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The contest is a safe space in which every dancer, beginner or professional, can express themselves with their creation on heels.


There will be a jury of professional dancers with years of experience (we will reveal their names soon!)


The categories are three:

  1. Solo: choreo and then live battle for the three finalists

  2. Couple: choreo

  3. Groups: choreo, 4 people minimum


Registrations close on March 15th 2025.


In order to register for the contest you need to:


  1. Proceed with the payment by bank transfer or PayPal with this payment reason: NAME+LAST NAME+THE FORMULA YOU CHOOSE

  2. Send your song in mp3 format to 

  3. Fill in the Google Form with all the informations, click below for the form




FORMULA 1 solo + evening entrance ticket €65
FORMULA 2 couple+ evening entrance ticket €45 per person (€90 per couple)
FORMULA 3 group + evening entrance ticket €45 per person
SUNDAY FORMULA solo + couple or group + evening entrance ticket €95 per person
ALL INCLUSIVE FORMULA evening entrance ticket +solo
+ couple + group €115 per person


The evening entrace ticket includes:

  • 1 free drink

  • the ticket for the showcase

ONLY CONTEST PARTECIPATION (without evening entrance ticket)

SOLO: €50
COUPLE: €30 per person (€60 for a couple)
GROUP: €30 per person


If you’re interested in attending the gala only as public, please don’t refer to this price list. You can purchase your ticket on Eventbrite from February 10th, 2025.


You can pay via:

  • PayPal: account

  • Bank Transfer to:
    HOLDER: Centro d’Arte Sauvage
    IBAN: IT08E0869252970066000001699
    REASON: Name + Last Name+ The formula you choose


The stage measure 9x4.5 metres and has two side entrances and two stairways on the sides of the stage (right and left) to go down below the stage, where there is additional space of 9x3 metres. See the Teatro Principe website for photos. It will not be possible to lean or get on and off the front of the stage for safety reasons.



  • SOLO: 1 ½ min maximum for the choreo

  • COUPLE: 2 min maximum

  • GROUP: 3 ½ min maximum



It's strictly forbidden to use body oil during the performance.


If you use props, you must personally carry and remove them from the stage immediately after your performance


Please respect the deadline, no registration sent after 15th March 2025 will be valid.


Once we have received all the bookings, we will provide you with the exact schedule and the order of the categories.


  • SOLO: a pair of professional heels (we will ask you for size and address for delivery and you will choose the heels that you prefer directly from the site)
    N.B. The winner of the solo will be entitled to perform during the next edition of The Heels Gala during the dinner show.

  • COUPLE: Two 100% scholarships for a Fierce on Heels workshop of the season 2025/26

  • GROUP: cash prize t.b.d.


In addition to the category awards, partial scholarships to the Centro d'Arte Sauvage will be given for best talent, best creation, originality.

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